Kim keever birthdate

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    Kim Keever

    Fluid Dynamics, Art & Antiques March

    For nearly years, photography and painting have been engaged in a complicated but ultimately fruitful relationship.

    They started out feeling threatened by each other: Painting wondered, will photography put me out of a job?

    Kim keever birthdate

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  • Kim keever art
  • Photography wondered, will the art critics ever take me seriously? Today, those questions are, if not resolved, at least less urgent, and the two media have drawn so close that they often seem to merge. We have paintings that look like photographs and photographs that look like paintings.

    Among the contributors to the contemporary art world’s boundary-breaking experimentation in media, Kim Keever has hit on something truly unique—a photographic art in which paint itself is both the medium and the subject.

    The New York-based artist’s latest series of large-scale C-prints depicts amazing microcosms of swirling color and form that could just as easily be abstract paintings as abstractions foun