Biography literary definition of heroic poetry
Biography literary definition of heroic poetry
Definition of Hero
As a literary device, a hero can be defined as the principal character of a literary work. The term hero has been applied, not only in the classical sense, but also in modern literature, as the principal character of a story, play or novel.
This term is also employed in another sense, for the celebrated figures in certain ancient legends, and heroic epics like Gilgamesh, the Iliad, Beowulf, or La Chanson de Roland.
However, it has traveled a long way from classical heroes in Oedipus and Odysseus, to Hamlet, and then to modern heroes, such as Willy Loman. From confrontation of monsters, to mental dilemmas, a hero has transformed from an attractive prince to a common man.
Examples of Hero from Literature
Example #1: Odysseus
Odysseus is the principal character of Homer’s epic “Odyssey.” Odysseus is also known by his Latin name, Ulysses.
As the king of Ithaca, Odysseus has been presented as the dominant character of the ten-year-long Trojan War,