Algorithms sanjoy dasgupta solution manual
Algorithms sanjoy dasgupta solution manual
Solution Manual For Algorithms by Das Gupta Papadimitriou and Vazirani
Since and have the same power of n.
Since n1/2 is smaller than n2/3
Since can always be overcome by above a particular , and so can it be less than below a particular .
Since log 2n = log 2 + log n and log 3n = log 3 + log n.
which makes log 2 and log 3, just constants.
Since log n^2 = 2log n. and 2 is just a constant that can be dropped.
Since power greater than 0 can always overtake log at some point
On comparing n^2 is greater than n, and log’s are not that signifincant in comparison.
Since power greater than 0 can always overtake log at some point
Since (log n)(log n) -1 is greater than n for some value of n.
Since power greater than 0 can always overtake log at some point
Therefore, at some n g will overcome f, by comparison of powers.
Since n2^n will produce a greater value for n than 3^n at some point.
Since the two differ by a constant multiplicative factor, i.e.
g(n) = 1