Vanessa mae violinist yanni biography
Vanessa mae violinist yanni biography
Vanessa-Mae - VMH INFO - Biography, [an error occurred while ......
Vanessa-Mae life and biography
Her music style is self-described as "violin techno-acoustic fusion", as several of her albums prominently feature the techno style. A former child prodigy, she became a successful crossover violinist with album sales reaching several millions, having made her the wealthiest young entertainer in the United Kingdom in 2006.
Vanessa-Mae Nicholson performed with the London Philharmonic at age ten before attending the Royal College of Music in London.
Vanessa mae violinist video
By age 14, she had released three CDs and signed a contract with a major recording company. Even as an adolescent she was uniquely adept in her ability to alternate between performing classical selections on an eighteenth-century acoustical violin and playing modern music on a high-tech electric jazz model violin.
Vanessa-Mae has called her musical style "techno-acoustic fusion."
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