Biography on bipolar disorder
7 signs of bipolar disorder!
Biography on bipolar disorder
Bipolar Autobiography
It takes courage to write a bipolar autobiography – and it can also take courage to read one.
One website I saw actually cautioned bipolar people against reading these books in case they contain triggers.
I am not a psychiatrist – and neither was the writer who gave that warning – but my gut reaction, and my own experience, is that bipolar autobiographies are invaluable.
Yes, the recognition and identification can be very painful!
Yes, it hurts to be reminded of just how crazy or desperate or depressed we have been! Yes, it is shaming and heartbreaking to be reminded of how our condition impacts on our loved ones!
For me though it has been very comforting to read so many stories of recovery.
Also, the education and insight into effective medications and treatments is invaluable.
Bipolar autobiographies:
EDUCATE: For example, this is the best way to learn about the true cost/benefit trade-offs involved in medication side effects, AND – they show